*Call for Nominations for JAHF Treasurer, Secretary, and Graduate Representative

*Deadline: December 1, 2014
The Japan Art History Forum (JAHF) invites nominations and self-nominations for the positions of Treasurer, Secretary, and Graduate Representative. Self-nominations as well as nominations of colleagues are enthusiastically encouraged. 
The term for the positions of Treasurer and Secretary is 3 years, and Graduate Representative, 2 years. On JAHF and its various activities, please visit the website at www.jahf.net. Please direct any questions regarding the positions to our outgoing officers:
Treasurer: Karen Fraser
Secretary: Tamaki Maeda
Graduate Representative: Mimi Chusid
Newly elected officers will assume their duties following JAHF’s annual business meeting, which will take place on Friday, February 13, 2015(5:30-7:00 pm) during the CAA Conference in New York .
Send all nominations and self-nominations to Tamaki Maeda by December 1. The election will be held shortly thereafter.